Attorney or Legal Document Assistant?

Do you need an attorney to draft your Trust?

Short answer…NOPE! You can hire a Legal Document Assistant to draft all documents. Lucky for you, I actually paid an attorney to access his drafting software so all the documents I use are the same ones used by a majority of attorneys.

In order to become an LDA, you have to meet certain requirements of education and experience. With over 10 years of experience drafting full estate plans and business formations, as well as handling probates and trust administrations, I definitely meet the experience requirements. In 2013, I received my Paralegal Certificate so I meet the education requirements.

Want some icing on the cake? I am crazy passionate about estate planning and helping your heirs avoid probate. While I can’t give legal advice, I can share options and help you come to certain decisions. Ultimately, this is your family and your hard-earned assets, so you will know what’s best. I get the best job of coming alongside you to help document the decisions you feel are best for your situation.


Let’s Talk Roles.